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NFL/MLB Roster Packets

Mainly during the 1970's and early 1980's, the NFL issued team Roster sets that had the roster on one site of the card, and the schedule on the back. Some years had a sponsor on the cards, other years were not. These usually came in a full league set in a small packet. Below is information on each year. MLB also tried doing these Roster sets, but they only lasted a year.


Below is a list of what is know to be out there. My guess is there are a lot more than what's listed here. Below that list is a list of what I have personally. I am looking for any others (I am only interested in the entire set with packet; not individual cards). If you have a packet that is not listed here, please let me know so I can add it! I am trying to put together a complete list.


(Thanks to Ed Allan for his help on this information; as well as eBay listings)



1968 - Standard Oil

1968 - Goodyear Tires

1968 - No Sponsor

1969 - Curlee Clothes

1969 - No Sponsor

1970 - Thompson Ford

1970 - Trujuns, The Saturday Shoe

1971 - Ford

1971 - No Sponsor

1971 - The Frederick Motor Co/Ford

1972 - Ford

1972 - No Sponsor (AFC only)

1972 - No Sponsor

1972 - First Trust and Savings Bank of Taylorville

1972 - Old Charter, Kentucky's Finest Bourbon

1973 - Ford

1973 - Chrysler

1973 - No Sponsor

1973 - US Steel/Moline, IL Service Center

1974 - Ford

1974 - Foley Ford, Inc

1974 - Bertram Motor Sales/Chrysler Plymouth

1975 - No Sponsor

1975 - DAFCU

1975 - Miller Lite

1975 - Usher's Green Stripe Scotch

1976 - Coke

1976 - Orange Motors of Newburgh/Ford

1976 - De Franco Ford, Inc

1976 - Colgate Value Brands

1976 - DAFCU

1976 - Wantagh Auto Sales/Ford

1976 - Toyota

1977 - Ford

1977 - Seagrams

1977 - Coca Cola

1978 - Lite Beer

1978 - Francis P. Dean/Mercedes-Benz/Honda

1979 - 1st American Bank of Maryland

1979 - Luke Bolton/Ford

1979 - Lite Beer

1980 - No Sponsor

1980 - Clement & Muller, Inc/Lite Beer

1980 - Lite Beer

1981 - No Sponsor

1981 - An Old-Fashioned Fellow/Barefoot Peddler

1981 - Harrison Pipig

1981 - Gerolmo Liquors LTD/Triangle Wholesale Co/E.F. Madrigrano Inc/C.J.W. Inc/Lakeland Distributing Co

1982 - Lite Beer

1982 - Harrison Piping

1982 - The Limbach Professionals

1984 - Bud Messing

1984 - Clement & Muller, Inc/Miller Lite

1986 - Eberly-Wood Wholesaler/Stroh's Beer

1986 - No Sponsor

1986 - International

1986 - Premim Distributors of Virginia, Inc/Miller High Life

1986 - John's Hide-Out



1972 - Chrysler

1972 - No Sponsor





1972/73 - No Sponsor




Here is what I have so far in my collection. I am in need of any other sets.


1970 (Thompson Ford)

1975 (DAFCU)

1976 (Orange Motors of Newburgh/Ford)

1976 (Colgate Value Brands)

1977 (Seagrams)

1979 (Luke Bolton/Ford)

1981 (An Old-Fashioned Fellow/Barefoot Peddler)

1986 (Eberly-Wood Wholesaler)

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